Fibroid Bleeding: A Personal Story Q & A

Joanne, a recent client of Her Health, experienced unexpected bleeding between periods while returning from holiday. This incident led her to seek help and eventually get diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Here, we delve into her journey, shedding light on symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for others who might be going through similar experiences.

Q: Joanne, can you tell us about your experience when you first noticed something was wrong?

Joanne: Absolutely. It was quite alarming. I was at the airport, coming back from a lovely holiday, when I suddenly experienced bleeding. It wasn't my period time, so I was immediately concerned. The bleeding, coupled with some discomfort I had brushed off as nothing serious, made me realize I needed to see a doctor.

Q; Joanne, which symptom did you find most challenging, and how did you manage it?

Joanne: The irregular bleeding was the most disruptive for me. It made planning my life around my cycle nearly impossible. Managing it required a combination of medication to regulate my cycle and using certain types of sanitary products designed for heavy bleeding. It was a process of trial and error.

Q: What was the diagnosis process like for you?

Joanne: It was more straightforward than I expected. My doctor asked about my symptoms, did a physical examination, and then recommended an ultrasound. The ultrasound confirmed I had fibroids. Hearing the word 'fibroids' for the first time was scary, but my doctor reassured me that they're quite common and treatable.

Q: Turning to Her Health, can you explain what fibroids are and why they might cause bleeding between periods?

Her Health: Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus, and they're indeed quite common. They vary in size and can cause a range of symptoms, including heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods, pelvic pain, and in some cases, fertility issues. The bleeding occurs because fibroids can alter the uterus's normal structure and blood flow, leading to irregular bleeding patterns.

Q: What treatment options are available for someone like Joanne?

Her Health: Treatment depends on several factors, including the size and location of the fibroids, the severity of the symptoms, and whether the person wants to preserve fertility. Options range from medication to manage symptoms, to non-invasive procedures like Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE).

Q: Joanne, how did you decide on the best treatment option for you?

Joanne: With my doctor's guidance, we considered several factors, including my age, the fact that I was planning on having more children, and my desire to avoid major surgery. We opted for a less invasive procedure that focused on shrinking the fibroids without affecting my uterus significantly. It was the best choice for my lifestyle and health goals.

Q: Can lifestyle changes help manage fibroid symptoms?

Her Health: Definitely. While lifestyle changes won't cure fibroids, they can help manage symptoms. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of developing fibroids and alleviate some symptoms. Reducing stress and avoiding high-estrogen foods might also help.

Q: Joanne, did making any lifestyle changes help you manage your symptoms?

Joanne: Yes, I focused on eating healthier and incorporated more exercise into my routine. It didn't eliminate the fibroids, but I noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms. I felt more in control of my body, which was empowering.

Q: What advice do you have for others experiencing similar symptoms?

Joanne: Don't wait to seek help. I ignored my discomfort for too long, thinking it was normal or would go away. Listening to your body and getting regular check-ups can make a huge difference in catching issues like fibroids early.

Q: How important is follow-up care after treatment for fibroids?

Her Health: Follow-up care is crucial. Fibroids can recur, so monitoring symptoms and regular check-ups are important to manage the condition effectively. We tailor the follow-up care to each individual, ensuring they have the support and resources they need for ongoing health management.

Q: Lastly, Her Health, how can someone get in touch if they think they may have fibroids or are seeking treatment options?

Her Health: We encourage anyone who suspects they have fibroids or is seeking treatment options to visit our website and reach out for a consultation. We're here to provide information, support, and care to help you navigate your fibroid journey.


Joanne's story highlights the importance of paying attention to one's body and seeking medical advice when something seems off. Uterine fibroids, while common, can significantly impact quality of life, but with the right approach, they can be managed effectively. Her Health remains committed to providing the resources and care needed to support women dealing with fibroids, helping them to reclaim their health and well-being.


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